Ahahaha let’s not look at the calendar. Shhhh, step away.


Recently I’ve embarked on a studio reorganization quest – it’s one of those things that has to get a lot messier before it gets better – so I’ve been sticking to small projects rather than sinking into one. I’ve been tinkering with small carvings and I’m having so much fun making wee spoons and strange creatures.

(Note, I forgot I had this in my drafts, whoopsie)

In the spirit of “taking my time”, I’m refusing guilt at taking A While to post here. My informal goal is to remember to share here more often – on a scale of “never” to “oh hey I remembered how to schedule posts!” that leaves me a lot of leeway 😂

Perhaps I can share works in progress as well? It’s hard to get out of the pressure to be Perfectly Done in public and the internet. I know it’s a trap! And yet oh man is it ever difficult.

ANYWAY, hello to the few that check in here and (maybe) I’ll see more soon ;)