by Mel | Jul 6, 2017 | Life
It’s a rare day when she sits still long enough for me to get a mostly clear shot. (mostly – she couldn’t resist grooming me). Marty is featured in more photos mostly because he sits still better and follows me around a lot, unlike Tobers who hides...
by Mel | Jul 5, 2017 | Life
Sometimes the light does a thing, and you have to take some photos. [Mostly makeup-free, just concealer.]
by Mel | Jul 4, 2017 | Life
Well, June certainly flew by! It feels like it started just yesterday, but suddenly it’s July 4th already. Some of the things I’ve been doing: enjoying the sunshine coaxing the garden writing fiction working hosting visitors creating an embroidery pattern...
by Mel | Jun 6, 2017 | Life
I will admit to sometimes being quite grumpy about allergies. The congestion and headaches and sneezing erode any goodwill I have towards nature. But when I see how big and beautiful the garden gets after a few days of rain, I can put aside my bitterness about the...
by Mel | Jun 5, 2017 | Life
Well, June seems to have snuck up on me! The weather has been mostly wonderful, with beautiful sunny days (like above), and a few drizzly days too. The city’s gardens are bursting with flowers, making a wander in the park even nicer than usual. On the...
by Mel | May 14, 2017 | Life
Sunset from New West. Perfect.