Our girl is gone. Her last day was blessed with sunbeams, treats, and as much love as we could give her.
She’s been sick for a long time, and it was time to let go – she was ready. She was so small, but her personality was huge. We have a crater in our hearts where she fit. The house is littered with holes where here chats used to be, where she liked to nap, where she would hang out while I brushed me teeth.
Grief is a sneaky bitch. Dinner time is very hard – there’s no more need for the fourth bowl, or medication time.
I am so grateful for Bryanne at South Island Mobile Vet for the house call so she could pass surrounded by all the right smells and her family. No more pain, no more suffering. Except for us.
I’m also so thankful for my cat-friends. This last week has been extremely hard, knowing it was time and waiting for the appointment so she could finally rest and your support has meant so much.
We know that this is what you sign up for when you invite pets into your life. This pain is so so hard, but it’s balanced by years and years of love, cuddles, and joy. (and the occasional projectile vomit)
Love you, girl.