by Mel | Jul 6, 2017 | Life
It’s a rare day when she sits still long enough for me to get a mostly clear shot. (mostly – she couldn’t resist grooming me). Marty is featured in more photos mostly because he sits still better and follows me around a lot, unlike Tobers who hides...
by Mel | Jul 5, 2017 | Life
Sometimes the light does a thing, and you have to take some photos. [Mostly makeup-free, just concealer.]
by Mel | Jul 4, 2017 | Life
Well, June certainly flew by! It feels like it started just yesterday, but suddenly it’s July 4th already. Some of the things I’ve been doing: enjoying the sunshine coaxing the garden writing fiction working hosting visitors creating an embroidery pattern...
by Mel | Jun 6, 2017 | Life
I will admit to sometimes being quite grumpy about allergies. The congestion and headaches and sneezing erode any goodwill I have towards nature. But when I see how big and beautiful the garden gets after a few days of rain, I can put aside my bitterness about the...
by Mel | Jun 5, 2017 | Life
Well, June seems to have snuck up on me! The weather has been mostly wonderful, with beautiful sunny days (like above), and a few drizzly days too. The city’s gardens are bursting with flowers, making a wander in the park even nicer than usual. On the...
by Mel | May 14, 2017 | Life
Sunset from New West. Perfect.
by Mel | Apr 20, 2017 | Life
Warm days are becoming more common, which means an outside break at lunch is so, so necessary.
by Mel | Apr 5, 2017 | Adventure
Today is Allan’s birthday, so we went on an adventure to surprise him for lunch. Afterward, we took a walk at Roberts Memorial Park – and proceeded to get muddy. Zeke had fun frolicking, even after he slipped on the sandstone. We even ran into (almost...
by Mel | Apr 3, 2017 | Local
Today has been beautiful. I started with the perfect playlist this morning, and work went well. I decided that allergies be damned, it was too nice to be inside and went to the beach. The wind was cold around the bluff, but this area was protected and the sun was...
by Mel | Mar 27, 2017 | Adventure
Zeke is Adam’s newly adopted dog. He’s only nine months old, so he still has a bit of growing left to do (!!!). He may still be a puppy, but he did great on our walk down the beach today – despite one or two little dogs taking offense to his...