by Mel | Feb 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
So, it’s been way longer thanĀ I thought it had been. Oops! I haven’t had a proper day out in a while, but here’s a little of what I’ve been up to: The last one also shows that we just rewatched the Lord of the Rings movies (Regular, not...
by Mel | Aug 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
I have nothing relevant, so here is a picture of the tiny sweater I knit. So I have been horribly bad at taking my camera out lately. I mean, I went to a wedding and didn’t even take it out. Not once. In my defense, I was the Maid of Honour, so nyah :p And there...
by Mel | May 2, 2011 | Uncategorized
There’s this sewing machine in a field. Did it grow there? Did it decide, “Oh, I’ve had enough of this table and this window. I want to go outside!” Maybe it jumped off a table where it has been for years or out a window it has looked out for...