

[nggallery id=11 template=ramblerahoy] Apparently I forgot I took these in April. Oops.
Oh, time.

Oh, time.

I know I haven’t been here in a while, but I’m in the middle of some potentially life-changing-for-the-better kind of stuff. It’s kinda awesome. Wish me luck.
Adventures in real winter

Adventures in real winter

I decided to experiment with B&W a little. Which do you like better? [nggallery id=9 template=ramblerahoy] We had an excellent sunset as well.    Taken around Kamloops yesterday.  
Parksville to Port Renfrew

Parksville to Port Renfrew

[nggallery id=7 template=ramblerahoy] On the way back from our weekend in Parksville we saw: rain, sun, waves, beach, bears (4, including 2 cubs), deer (1), birds (lots), changing leaves, evergreens, and a really huge sitka spruce. The longer scenic route is usually...
Fort Rodd, Take Two

Fort Rodd, Take Two

[nggallery id=6 template=ramblerahoy]   After an amazing Thanksgiving potluck Saturday night, and a pass-out sleep, we adventured to Fort Rodd! We saw some sleepy deer, a mystery lizard, and a sea lion swimming around the lighthouse. After much cavorting and...
Image Explorations, Part Three

Image Explorations, Part Three

[nggallery id=5 template=ramblerahoy] Just before going to Image Explorations, I got a new phone (the water damage/corrosion finally caught up with me). Turns out that the camera on that thing is pretty good, considering it makes calls. Top two are with an HDR app....