Portrait Day at the Trestle

Yesterday, a few of us drove out to Kinsol Trestle for an afternoon of portraits. There weren’t as many colourful leaves as we’d hoped for, but by the river was a pocket of colour – enough to make things interesting. A few hours of both silly and...
Image Explorations, Part Three

Image Explorations, Part Three

[nggallery id=5 template=ramblerahoy] Just before going to Image Explorations, I got a new phone (the water damage/corrosion finally caught up with me). Turns out that the camera on that thing is pretty good, considering it makes calls. Top two are with an HDR app....
Image Explorations, Part One

Image Explorations, Part One

[nggallery id=3 template=ramblerahoy]   So, I might be a month and a half behind, but I finally made the time to put up my pictures from July!  These are from around the pond at Shawnigan Lake School, Kinsol Trestle, and the broken glass is from a junkyard...