Beautiful Sunday

Yesterday was hot. I cloistered myself in the office at home all day, wilting with the heat from the computers, until after dinner I gave in. With the promise of ice cream, I got Eric to go for a drive with me down to Beacon Hill Park. The sun was perfectly low and...
Adventures in real winter

Adventures in real winter

I decided to experiment with B&W a little. Which do you like better? [nggallery id=9 template=ramblerahoy] We had an excellent sunset as well.    Taken around Kamloops yesterday.  
Canadian 4th of July

Canadian 4th of July

I didn’t get any pictures of Canada Day – ours was pretty subdued, but still wonderful. But I ended up at the beach on the fourth of July, and I got the unexpected treat of seeing the holiday fireworks across the way in Port Angeles, Washington.  ...
Holy, time slips away from you sometimes…

Holy, time slips away from you sometimes…

So, it’s been way longer than  I thought it had been. Oops! I haven’t had a proper day out in a while, but here’s a little of what I’ve been up to: The last one also shows that we just rewatched the Lord of the Rings movies (Regular, not...