
Sometimes you wake up way too early on a weekend. Might as well go outside, right?

Image? What image?

You might notice there are a few broken images in recent posts. My server had a hiccup, and I need to re-upload everything after September. Oops! Bear with me while I get things sorted.

I had to

As I was doing some test with the colour gels, I couldn’t help but go for the lame joke ;D (Addams Family/Stranger Things mashup)

strobes and cats

Only the best of fake sunbeams for Marty. Nautilus cat. Constructivist Tober-cat.


I’m writing up ads for Dad’s old film camerasĀ and getting strangely emotional. This one especially, the Canon AE-1, holds a lot of memories for me. I had automatic film cameras growing up, basic things so we could document our silly games. But this one was...

I can sleep in October… or maybe November

Much has been happening. I’ve been coming and going so often I feel dizzy! So, until I carve out timeĀ later this week (I hope), have a photo from my visit to Kamloops in August (a month ago!). The one clearer evening without much forest fire smoke, and the moon...