Spring Spring Spring

Spring Spring Spring

I’ve been using Flickr for school assignments, and have admittedly forgotten to upload some here. Whoops. Well, it may be a little behind, but here is a taste of spring in Victoria.
Art school!?

Art school!?

This Friday marks the end of my first semester in school for graphic design. Bet you though that would never happen! I finished my “One sheet of paper” project. I plan to add some projects to a portfolio during winter break, but for now, have these images....
Let’s go ride a bike

Let’s go ride a bike

Isn’t she pretty? She’s a Giant Cypress W. I took her for a proper test ride today, almost all the way to the Johnson St bridge. It was a sunny afternoon, perfect for a ride. I managed to stay upright, and even closed my mouth before hitting the cloud of...


[nggallery id=11 template=ramblerahoy] Apparently I forgot I took these in April. Oops.
Oh, time.

Oh, time.

I know I haven’t been here in a while, but I’m in the middle of some potentially life-changing-for-the-better kind of stuff. It’s kinda awesome. Wish me luck.